Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Where to find computer viruses for antivirus program?

I am a visual basic programmer,I am soon going to school for computer programming...anyways...

about 2 years ago I had a antivirus program going,it was great,

I was taking strings out of the auctual viruses/trojans so that my antivirus program would detect them,

now that I am back to recreate my av program,

there isn't no viruses to be found??

(not even: educational purposes only)

I am not no bad person wanting viruses,

my old program was called,solid antivirus,

my new one will be bottom-line security

everyone will be hearing about it.

I am looking for a link where I can get this info?

educational purpose viruses/trojans

(((how am I suppose to make my anti-virus program????)))

thank you

Where to find computer viruses for antivirus program?ducati

you have got to be kidding me. Not to be mean but I really hope no body gives you an answer cause someone may come in here with less than honorable intentions and create a virus for some other reason.

Where to find computer viruses for antivirus program?hp

To be honest, you will not be very successful writing antivirus software without having a much better understanding of how trojans/viruses work.
Disinfect and remove the viruses %26 spyware that are slowing your performance
the big anti-virus software houses have pseudo-viruses... you can download!

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