Wednesday, August 18, 2010

For many years scientist debated whether viruses should be considered living organisms.Which stateme

scientist use to support the position that viruses are not living?(A)viruses have genes encoded in DNA.(B)viruses require a host cell in order to reproduce(C)viruses infect both plant and anmial cells(D)viruses replicate to produce more viruses 10 points science test

For many years scientist debated whether viruses should be considered living organisms.Which statement could anorton

(B) viruses require a host cell in order to reproduce

For many years scientist debated whether viruses should be considered living organisms.Which statement could aspyware remover

answer B)
(b) viruses require a hose cell in order to reproduce.. and so they are not living..

Living cells can reproduce using their own cellular mechanisms and energy..
B. But you've got to refine the definition of living.
(B). A living organism should be able to reproduce on its own with energy produced by itself. Viruses uses the organelles of other cells and and energy from the host cell to reproduce.

NOTE: Viruses do not respire or produce energy by any method. It is just a chain of nucleotides (RNA or DNA) encased in protein.

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