Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Avg and viruses -removal of virus?

I have downloaded the free Avg. and after a scan it says I have 5 viruses embedded. How do I clean them off as it looks like avg can't remove them if it says ''embedded''. I have also downloaded the free zonealarm and it seems to be working but need to get rid of the viruses.

Avg and viruses -removal of virus?nortan

Here is your ''Best Answer''

If a program is installed with System level access (beyond administrator access, there are some things on the computer that even the administrator can't change but ''the system'' can)

then what you need to do is...

Step 1: Update any AV software that you have, make sure you have the latest and greatest definitions

Step 2: Boot your computer into safe mode by rebooting your computer and pressing F8, Choose ''without network services'' (note: you won't be able to access the net or your network resources until you reboot)

Step 3: Run your AV from safe mode, this will solve your problem if you've followed these steps, if all else fails if your computer supports it do a system restore to before you got the virii or reformat your computer with your Windows installation CD, but I highly highly doubt you'll have to do this unless you're the only person in the world with these 5 viruses.

Avg and viruses -removal of virus?noton

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