Monday, August 16, 2010

What websites gives you viruses????

I've heard that stuff like and and give you viruses... But I want to know all the websites that give you viruses... Or even if those ones give you viruses. My mom won't let me on YouTube because she's afraid that it will give our computer a virus. Can you please tell me the ones that do give you viruses and if YouTube actually does give you them? Thanks!

What websites gives you viruses????computer security

ANY site that accepts content from the general public will be a source of viruses. Commercial sites are fairly scrupulous about their content as they are subject to being sued if the content is contaminated. There is no comprehensive list of sites that has content that installs malware. Even if there was such a list it would be outdated in a heartbeat as the number of sites grows dramatically every day. Your mom is right. While lots of kids use these sites and don't have problems, a short scan of this forum will tell you that there are many, many sites that have viruses or other malware.

What websites gives you viruses????free spyware remobal

I have had a youtube account for a long time,

and it has never given me a virus.

Just don't go yo porn sites,

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